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Backlinks with the best Strategy


Backlink builder

Wirang., in the world of blogging, SEO backlink are very important in the process of achieving high rankings on Google search results pages (SERPs). To build good quality backlink, you must first understand your website, discuss your website and of course the keywords you want to target.

 In addition, there are several steps before building backlinks that must also be done in preparation so that the backlinks you create are not in vain and are just a waste of money. But before going to the core of the discussion on how to build backlinks, it doesn't hurt you to first understand the basic understanding of it.

definition of backlinks and why are backlink important

Backlink definition

Backlinks are links/links from one website to another website. Backlink are also known as incoming links, inbound links, and one-way links, which means incoming links and one-way links. that's the importance of backlinks what is it?

Websites with goods and correct backlink according to SEO rules, will get a positive assessment from Google and other search engines. That is because backlink can be a marker if a website can be trusted and has quality content according to the rules. That's why websites with quality backlinks often get top positions on search pages or SERPs.

One of the main reasons Google has become the dominant search engine is because it was the first to recognize the importance of backlinks in SEO. When Google launched in 1998, it used a revolutionary algorithm to rank web pages based on link popularity-meaning a higher page rank if there were more links to that page.

Types of backlinks

Types of backlinks

1. Contextual Backlinks

Contextual backlinks are very simple and easy to create. The trick, is you just make a post or article, then insert a link that leads to your website. Generally, contextual backlinks are used if there is part of the article that refers to or is sourced from your website. You can make this contextual backlink if someone offers it. For example, some offer cooperation, you make articles, then post them on other people's websites. There are also paid ones.

2. Blog Comment Backlink

This type of backlinks uses the comment field feature from other people's websites to include your website link. However, not just any website can be a means of 'promotion' of this backlink comment. The website that is your target for backlinking must have a theme or discussion that is relevant to your website.
Usually, people use this comment backlink to speed up the index, both the index backlink tier and articles.

3. Profile Backlink

These profile backlinks are also relatively easy to obtain and practice. The trick, you create a profile, be it an industry directory, your business site, social media, or a review site. Next, you fill in your profile bio, including the website address.

4. Social Bookmark Backlink

Social bookmarking backlinks are a useful platform for storing several website links. This type of backlink is very popular, so spam often occurs through the platform. As a result, users had to fulfill some complicated terms and conditions just to get backlinks for their website. This backlink strategy can be used to speed up article indexing as well.

5. Backlink Blogroll

Backlink blogroll  are very popular among old bloggers, Blogspot, or WordPress users to be precise. On a website or blog page, there is a sidebar that contains a collection of blogrolls from visitors. This trick is also used by well-known websites. Backlinks for this website are very powerful for boosting articles and blogs so that they are on the first page of Google searches

6. Document or Image Sharing Backlink

Document or Image Sharing Backlink use features such as sharing documents or images to get backlinks. Of course, saved documents or images must be uploaded first to connect to our website. When editing a document, just include a link that points to your website. Meanwhile, when uploading an image, you can directly enter your website in the description column of the image.

7. Social Media Backlink

This type of backlink uses your social media accounts to get backlink to your website. As with the backlink profile link, you can use the website column to put your website. Like Instagram, you can use the swipe-up feature to put your website link and get backlinks in it.

8. Footer Backlink

If you are a freelancer or blogger who also works on projects on other websites, you can save your blog or website link in the footer of the website. Of course, the website that you put the backlink SEO on must also be optimized so that it can get maximum visits.

builder backlinks with the best strategy

Backlink strategy and builder

1. Relevance
You have to get relevant backlinks in order to get a positive effect from backlinks. How do you determine a website that is relevant to your website?

Prioritize potential websites for backlink. You can group them into groups of potential websites or blog. From quite relevant, very relevant, to not relevant.

The most relevant backlink groups are websites that usually contain reviews of certain products. For example, your business is a laptop and a computer. look at websites or blog reviews that specifically review laptops and computers.

In the quite relevant backlink group, you can meet the criteria for prospective backlinks. You can look for blogs or websites that mostly post about technology, not just computers and laptops. This is one of the very efficient backlink strategy.

2. Have Influence (Authority)
Relevance alone is not enough. You also have to make sure the website that you will plant backlinks on really has confidence and influence. How to confirm a certain website? You can check it using software like Moz. Credibility at Moz is measured using a scale of 1 to 100 called Domain Authority (DA). Domain Authority measures how many quality backlinks a website gets. The higher the DA value, the more potential for backlinks.

3. Traffic
In addition to Domain Authority (DA), you also need to consider the amount of traffic generated by a website before using backlinks. To measure how much traffic a website generates per month, you can use Ahrefs. Make sure the website that you will plant backlinks on really gets traffic. This is also one of the backlink strategies that you should consider.

4. Outbound Link Quality
Websites with good (good) quality backlinks will usually only provide backlink to quality websites. Therefore, pay attention to outbound links from prospective websites that you will plant backlinks on. Is their outbound link trail good? Do they provide outbound links on quality websites or not?

5. Google indexed
Last and most important of all it is Google indexed. The website that you will plant backlinks on must be indexed by Google. If a website is not indexed by Google, you should not. Because planting backlinks on websites that are not indexed by Google is useless.

Those are some ways to build backlink with the best strategies that may be useful for you.

backlink search

Backlink search

backlink search, you can search on google or youtube, some are free and some are paid. if you use a free one, of course, you will take a long time to build backlinks. on th other hand, if you use a paid one, of course, your website and articles can quickly increase their performance.
many also sell backlinks on social media, such as FB groups. But you have to be careful when buying backlinks, you might be scammed.

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